The Courtauld Collection: A Vision for Impressionism – Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris

EXHIBITION VIEW The Courtauld Collection: A Vision for Impressionism © FONDATION LOUIS VUITTON /MARC DOMAGE

EXHIBITION VIEW The Courtauld Collection: A Vision for Impressionism © FONDATION LOUIS VUITTON /MARC DOMAGE

EXHIBITION VIEW The Courtauld Collection: A Vision for Impressionism © FONDATION LOUIS VUITTON /MARC DOMAGE

EXHIBITION VIEW The Courtauld Collection: A Vision for Impressionism © FONDATION LOUIS VUITTON /MARC DOMAGE


The Courtauld Collection: A Vision for Impressionism reveals the discerning eye and commitment of Samuel Courtauld (1876-1947), one of the greatest art patrons of the 20th century. Created in close associations with his wife Elizabeth, the collection of this textile manufacturer with distant French origins, was largely assembled between 1923 and 1929, and compromises an exceptional group of French Impressionists and Post-Impressionists.